Monday, August 28, 2023

To the readers of this blog website.

The following website summarizes the truth of this existence properly for humans through images videos and words.

In full.

For the record  it may possess controversial images on that note.

Yet that’s how one summarizes the truth for humans properly in this life.

As a summary of Leviticus 19:35-37 , with Luke 12:1-3 and Matthew 5:17-20 say humans are to do.

Yet regardless some beings hate what Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20 and Luke 12:1-3 .

Obviously in this life.

So I’m obligated to give the readers of this website fair warning of that predicament presently.

Regarding the functions of this holy blog website.

Written to the glory of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit of Christianity.

The reader has been forewarned.

I advise the reader to check the facts addressed in this blog website as you proceed with this blog.

Which includes this link here.

Definition to the word ‘fact’ on that note?


Pure and simple.

Inter community logic ultimately in todays human societies on earth.

The following blog website gives an appropriate summary for all humanity  of all the relevant facts figures and subjects attached to this life which pertain unto the 2nd coming of the lord Jesus Christ to earth.

Regarding this existence.

That is the general premise of this site.

Just for records sake.

In images videos and words.


Images and videos too.

Not just words. 

That point should be emphasized right away.



For the following reasons.

Worded as follows.

I include images from all facets of life.

in this website for the following reason..

Matthew 5:17-20 .

Meaning? ⭐️🤡🧚🏽☄️✍️😵‍💫😈👻🤖🤡👽🎃🍉🌤️🥎🥨🍖🍝🍦🥛🍺🪐😱🐮🌏⚡️🙅🧞🧌🦑🌺🌟👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💥✨🙅‍♂️🪰🔥😟👨‍🎨🦹🏽🍐🐰⚽️🐁🧟‍♀️🧙🧌🧛🏻‍♀️🧝🧝🏻‍♀️🧑‍🎄🐶🍎🤔🐭🫠👯🌨️❄️🫑🕠🐥🕓🉑♐️👨‍✈️☎️🧟‍♀️🥝🔌⚛️🍌🦜🌎🪸👶💥☃️🐕‍🦺⭐️🌻🌹⭐️🐷🧜‍♀️🫎🔧⚔️🏃🏽🍊🐹💈🕔🐬🦐🐏🦀📞👩‍👧‍👧🧚🏽☄️🐙


As Jesus says in Leviticus 19:35-37,’s connection to Matthew 5:17-20.

in Christianity’s scriptures obviously😮 

And likewise Luke 12:1-3. Too.


So? That subject clearly refers people to honor Christs words in Leviticus 19:35-37 in whatever way is available on earth at any given time where one finds one’s self on earth in this specific existence…

Which is a matter which also applies to modern technology .

And good as well as evil imageslocated on earths internet or World Wide Web  at this conjecture in time in human history.

Aw yes.

those passages of scripture clearly refer all Christian’s on earth presently to modern technology and  images .


controversial images . Too. 

On the worldwide web.

Presently hidden for the most part  by Satan  and evil spirits in this life. 

From direct view points anyways.

Yet not being direct in anything is wrong.

Especially regarding what Jesus says in Luke 12:1-3 and Matthew 5:17-20.

As Leviticus 19:35-37 and Luke 12:1-3 both instruct true Christian’s to refer to a summary of all the true facts in judgments addressed by humans and angels in this life.


All means all.


All means all.


Summarize everything.

that’s what Jesus says in Leviticus 19:35-37’s connection to Matthew 5:17-20.

And Luke 12:1-3 obviously.



So obviously what I say here in such a subject is entirely correct in fact. 

For the record,?

the following statement should also be stressed.

On such a subject in this life.

Which is simply this.

Due to mitigating unjust circumstances imposed upon me and upon other Christian’s presently in this life by numerous members of earths present governments and authorities  too this also should be stated at this conjecture in time.

For the record. 

I also include controversial images at times in this blog website as well as various other blog websites I have addressed to humanity on the internet at this point in time in human history also due unto the fact the government authority figures on earth presently are corrupt.


I also include include controversial images in my websites as a rebuke for earths authoritiy figures.

I’m righteously mocking them.

Because earths present authority figures?

Their hypocrisies are indescribable .

It’s a catch 22. 

which , as far as I can understand, appears to be due unto a lack of faith in the instructions Jesus gives all humanity in this life in Matthew 5:17. 

In connection to 1st Timothy 1:9-10 in other words.

people on earth today.


On that note?

To begin this website ?

May I say this.

To the readers of this website.

It appears humans on earth do not possess proper faith in decent Christian  laws mentioned by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew 5:17-20 at this point in time in human history.

Which aligns Roman’s 10:17 and Ezekiel 33:31 obviously.

So on that note ?

To the readers of this website.

I’m placing a link immediately below .
My suggestion?

on that note?

Read that links contents.


And study it’s words closely.

Especially the scanned pages.

Attached to such a link.

In alignment to Matthew 24:35 for example. 

Read the 67 scanned pages in such a link  first.


In this link.


Because most other links have images .

But the images aren’t neccacary at first.

It’s easier to understand the real truth of Christianity if you read those 67 scanned pages first.

Trust me.

Jesus told me  in spirit to summarize this world through images.
On earth.

Attached to the worldwide web.

So I did .

But their not neccacary at first.

Your way better off just reading those 67 scanned pages here.

once again in this link first. 

Yes.First .

Then it’s easy to understand what Saint John says in revelation 20:1-10.
People of earth today.


Trust me.

Blessings on that note 

And listen to the words addressed in the YouTube video attached in this post below these words likewise.


For the record. On that matter?

Sometimes I think people think I’m kidding them in such a situation.
So, just for the record please note that I assure you, 
What I say in the video?
It is true.

🤡🦑🤡🤡🦑🤡🤡🦑💥 Aligning James 4:4, 2nd Corinthians 11:11-15, John 17:14-16, and 2nd Timothy 2:3-4,

let this be stated on that note. 

 all the crazy things the governments on earth  have done to me and other Christian’s in this life , such as what I address here for example, ?

I now must state this.

I wrote this information and these journals I’m referring  to here ultimately originally in two other facets .

One being a website entitled

The other was paper form.

8 by 11 paper.

1897 pages

Yet I was told , in such writings my writings were too Christian based and too Christian oriented.

So various internet authority figures lambasted them shall I say.

And then deleted them from the internet.

As did various authority figures on earth regarding the 1897 pages of leaf let I had addressed to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Because I was honouring Jesus in words on the internet too decently.

Ya see?


On that note?

For the record?

I will say this.

Here and now.

To the readers of this website. 

 Everything would have been so much simpler if my original journals would have remained on the internet. As I explain in the video attached below.

I originally placed all my rationally addressed Christian writings on a website called

 If I recall correctly the specific name of my site there was Http:// Or .com?

 But they deleted my website on

 because once again I got complaints that I was too Christian based in my words. 

Too Christian based.?

 Can you even comprehend that? 

 No images. No crazed videos. 
No nothing.

That’s crazy.

 Just around 300 journals that explained the truth of Christianity. To the glory of Jesus. And 

livejournal authority said it was all too Christian based. In connection to 2nd cor 6:14-17:


So they deleted it. So then I did what Luke 12:1-3 says. 

 And gave the people more then just a decent Christian website. 

 Worldly authority figures have ways of screwing Christian’s big time. 

 In this life. But that doesn’t alter the fact I’m still right. Before Jesus.

 In alignment to Matthew 12:37 and Luke 12:1-3. Satan can play his games. With his minions. Some, according to the bible are in human form too.

 Masquerading as humans. As 2nd Corinthians  11:13-15 warns true Christian’s today. Just like the testament of Solomon warns humans too. Of this era. 

 Anyways, I explain it in this video. 

 I attach here.

o my yes.


Give the people what they ask for in this life.

It seems.

Listen to the words attached to this video to see what I am talking about there.


So earths authority figures aren’t pleased with words that totally glorify Jesus?

so in connection to revelation 3:9-15 for example so what kind of strangeness is that specifically? 

Ya know?

I  respectfully ask that question .

I’m wondering if a lot of earths authority figures on earth presently are invaders from space in human form.

Masquerading as humans.

In connection to 2nd cor 11:13-15.

And the ancient Christian thesis entitled
The testament of Solomon.
Evil spiritual forces through genesis 3:22 and Luke 1:37, are able to take on human appearance.

Through alchemical means mortals are unaware of in this existence.


You know?

Because, I’ll tell you.

If you check my facts closely?

Earthsgovernment authority figures?

Including google?

And YouTube?

Somethings amiss.


On that note.

As I also prove here.

For the masses on earth presently… 

That’s for sure.

But what is their problem?

Connected to psalm 149:5-9 and Matthew 17?

Per-se _de.

That’s the golden question  .



That’s all I can say on that count.

To the readers of this blog website.

it is on that note that I begin this blog website.🤡⚡️🧟‍♂️🦑🤪🙀💥🦀🪼👹🦐🐙🧚🏽😮😵‍💫😵‍💫🐙😱🪼🙀🧟‍♂️😲🦄😱👽😜👀🌈🤠👺🤩☃️☀️🤠⭐️🐳


 To the readers.

For the record

The following website mostly addresses facts which relate to the 2nd coming of the lord Jesus Christ to earth.

And on that note I will begin this website by first stating this.

A brief introduction to this website is addressed as follows.

Let us first note this to begin this site.

Which is simply the following.

Revelation 7:6-7. Refers to a sealing of the 12 tribes of Israel.


Very interesting.

Revelation 7 refers to the  Israeli Hebrew  tribe of  joesph twice.



Mannaseh is the son of Joseph… so,, therefore ,,,revelation seven somewhat strangely omits all the Hebrew Israeli  tribe of  Dan in the sealing of the 12 tribes of Israel.


. So?

Is that a contradiction in Christian scripture.

sort of.

But there is a possibility it’s not a contradiction.


You say it’s a contradiction? 

It’s  a contradiction. Right? 

Exactly. Right. But?…

…But….. to what extent? Is it a contradiction? Right?  That’s the question.For the record?

Regarding the preceding?

And the tribe of dan specifically?

let us now briefly note the following. 

This should be stated.

I suppose.

It is a slight contradiction. You know? The book of revelation omitting the tribe of Dan.
People who read this.


Because I know scripture.

I’ve studied it all.

As Luke 4:4 says Christian’s are to do.

And I’ve studied it massively.

I’ve read even ancient Jewish scriptures that used to be considered inspirational.

Until the Catholic Church ridiculously told people they weren’t.

And then made the old and new testaments.

No where in scripture as far as I’ve read, does Jewish or Christian scripture say that the tribe of dan will be omitted from Christs salvation at the end of time.
No where. Actually.

Except in the book of revelation.

And everywhere it says at the end of time all Israel will be saved.

All means all.


Doesn’t it?


It’s kind of strange why Saint John would delete the tribe of dan from all of Israel then.
In terms of salvation.
Yet I suppose it’s possible Christ probably has a reason for that contradiction being in existence presently.


As Christ is lord.

On that note?
I suppose 

We’’ll find out why that contradiction presently exists when we see Jesus.

For the record,
Christ never said the tribe of dan would be saved at the end time.

Did he?

No he didn’t.

Christ said all Israel would be saved.

Maybe Saint John was authorized by Christ to omit the tribe of dan from salvation at the end of time , regarding the word ‘’all’ in that scripture, in this life for a rational reason.


And Christ will explain that to us at the end of time.


Blessings to all who love Jesus 
on that note!

Just check this link closely.



Don’t you people find it interesting how the book of revelation only omits the tribe of Dan in the sealing of the twelve tribes of Israel?

Because their is a general Christian belief in church history that one of the major anti christs referred to in christian prophesy will belong to the tribe of Dan.

Which would indicate that what I address here in one of my original christian documents is correct.

Regarding Mohammed being that Jewish anti christ.

As Mohammed’s mother was clearly Jewish through historical facts I encountered in Arabic history which confirm various members of  the tribe of Dan mingling with the Arabic tribe called the coreish.

 It is a good question.

Considering many religious historians in history imply one of the major anti christs addressed by Saint John would be Jewish.

We’re such historians just referring to the facts I address here?

Or does that issue go deeper?

It is a well known fact too that two of the early Islamic caliphs ordered the destruction of many historical facts through the burning of the great library of Alexandria.

And it is also a well known fact that the horrific  religious iconoclastic controversies of the 8th century also caused the destruction of many seventh century documents and historical facts from the sixth and  seventh century of a d.

Not all facts .

But the majority of important religious historical facts.
From religious writers.


The two century’s I address within this link.

Where I basically prove through Christian time lines that ‘the 7th century of ad is the century where the rapture the first ressurection and the second coming of the lord Jesus Christ all take place .

In a short space.

These are all issues which I am amazed that people of this time period do not take proper  note of.

As such historical facts I address here PERFECTLY coincide with Christian prophesy addressed to humans in this life.

To a tee.


It’s 100 percent perfect.

That’s why I’m amazed that no one but me can see that obvious truth.

I mean’ holy Jesus.

Look at the facts I address in these67 scanned pages attached to this link.

One would have to be completely mentally retarded not to see the complete perfection of Christian prophesy attached to human historical facts .


Meaning in the 67 scanned pages I address here.
I challenge anybody to look at those historical facts closely.

And compare those historical facts with the Christian prophetic references I list in those scanned pages.

Call a spade a spade.

Christian prophesy is perfect there.

In what I address there.

In the link attached to this email.
Christian prophesy is clearly proven perfect in this link I address.
Completely in fact.

And no body listened to me?

On this?

What is wrong with everyone on earth?

You know?

I mean… wow…

Just check this link closely.

Compare the historical facts listed here with Christian prophesy.

What is wrong with everybody on earth?

I mean seriously?

Humans should have listened to what I said in these words.

What is going on with mankind?🇸🇩🇹🇼🇹🇬🇹🇷🇺🇬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇺🇪🇭🇸🇷🇹🇯🇹🇰🇹🇲🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇻🇦🇾🇪🇸🇪🇹🇿🇹🇴🇹🇨🇦🇪🇺🇸🇻🇪🇿🇲🇨🇭🇹🇭🇹🇹🇹🇻🇬🇧🇺🇾🇻🇳🇿🇼🇸🇾🇹🇱🇹🇳🇻🇮🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇿🇼🇫🇲🇳🇲🇸🇲🇸🇺🇸🇲🇦🇲🇿🇵🇷🇵🇰🇴🇲🇳🇴🇵🇦🇵🇬🇵🇱🇳🇷🇳🇮🇳🇿🇳🇨🇳🇺🇳🇫🇲🇰🇵🇸🇵🇼🇵🇰🇴🇲🇳🇴🇲🇩🇲🇦🇳🇵🇳🇪🇳🇬🇲🇵🇲🇰🇲🇹🇲🇭🇲🇶🇲🇷🇲🇺🇲🇬🇲🇼🇲🇾🇲🇻🇲🇱🇱🇾🇱🇮🇱🇹🇱🇺🇲🇴🇱🇦🇱🇻🇱🇸🇱🇷🇯🇵🎌🇯🇪🇯🇴🇰🇿🇰🇬🇰🇼🇽🇰🇰🇮🇰🇪🇮🇸🇮🇳🇮🇩🇮🇷🇮🇶🇯🇲🇮🇹🇮🇱🇨🇳🇨🇱🇨🇦🇧🇿🇧🇯🇧🇹🇧🇴🇧🇭

Open your eyes!
Read  simple to understand addressed facts.

The second coming of Jesus already occurred.
Satan is fooling humans today into thinking it hasn’t.
As revelation 20:1-10 warns.

You don’t lie about something that serious.

As John 14:15, James 2:10-11, Matthew 19:17,  revelation 22:14-15, and exodus 20: 16-17 warn all humans……

‘’’Speaking truth is one of the commandments of God.!’”

Thou shalt not bear false witness!

What is wrong with humanity today.

Check facts !

Pure and simple.


Satan doesn’t have to work hard at deceiving the majority of the human race.

The human race, ‘’’ clearly devoid of the real truth of even the second coming of Jesus Christ ,,,’’’himself’’clearly wants to be deceived!

To the everlasting joys of Satan, himself!!!
Such a 

That ‘that’ is the case.

Because I did everything I could to help humanity not be deceived by the devil.
All I can say on that note ?
When all the chips are down?
Is simply this.

For no good reason most 
Humans strangely love bewildering 
lies. That make no sense at all.

Touché .
On that note.



Alleluia .



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